An activity can be any type of learning experience that you can offer. This can be an event, internship, volunteering, digital experience, project, open space, course or workshop.
By completing activities people can earn digital Open Badges. Activities can be standalone experiences or combined into playlists - learning, civic and career pathways.
Follow the steps to create activities. You may use this worksheet to develop your ideas and design activities before uploading them on the platform.
- Think of passions, interests and needs of learners. You may want to revive on skills most needed for the future. Revisit the playlist “Future Makers” to focus on one or more of the areas of Global Youth Skills.
- Consider the best activities that learners can undertake to gain skills needed for their present and future learning, civic engagement and careers. You can choose activities that can be offered by your organisation or partners in your city or region. you can always create new activities, if they do not exist yet!
- Decide if you want your activities to be publicly accessible by anyone or you want to offer them only to targeted audiences. Cities of Learning promote opportunities that are open, accessible and inclusive for all.
- Extend activities with additional content and resources online. You can offer to download worksheets, embed relevant videos, link to external resources.
- Add 1 to 3 clear steps on what learners should do and what they can learn and gain by accomplishing this activity.
- Prepare learners for adding some evidence of learning. It will help them to enrich badges with evidence.
- Here you can find a helpful article on creating an activity on the Cities of Learning platform.
Watch this vide on how to create an activity on the Cities of Learning platform:
The Network of Cities of Learning offers this learning activity within the capacity-building project ‘Youth co-design learning, civic and career pathways’. We are grateful to the EU’s Erasmus+ Programme for co-funding support for this project.