
Promote a youth work advocacy campaign


Promote a youth work advocacy campaign



Promote a youth work advocacy campaign.

Follow the advocacy campaign presentation template to prepare and promote a youth work advocacy campaign proposal. Include samples of advocacy campaign content, activities and products.

Your campaign presentation should include at least the following:
  • Advocacy campaign title
  • Team members
  • Advocacy campaign vision
  • Advocacy campaign essential information, such as beneficiaries, topics, stakeholders, tactics
  • Advocacy campaign products (samples)

We recommend presenting with a team that cares about the advocacy campaign.

Awero organisation created this educational resource and activity for the youth worker training course on networking and advocating.

This activity supports youth workers' competence development in the "Networking and Advocating" area. Activity content and badge issuing criteria aligned with the European Training Strategy (ETS) competence model for youth workers to work internationally:
  • Willingness to collaborate with other actors and stakeholders;
  • Appreciation of the added value of new partnership and collaboration opportunities;
  • Being able to identify relevant partners in different environments (especially in an international setting);
  • Readiness to allow being confronted with other views and work approaches;
  • Ability to create and disseminate digital contents as videos, podcasts, memes, digital presentation formats etc.
  • Ability to include other community members during or after the project for wider impact
  • Ability to transfer/communicate and share the learning potential of international mobility experiences

Want to endorse (?) our organisation, this activity and/or badge - email us! Contact us at info@awero.org for further questions.

Gauk veiklos ženkliuką

Advocacy Campaign Promoter Gauk šį ženkliuką

The badge earner promoted a youth work advocacy campaign. The person followed the advocacy campaign presentation template to prepare and promote a proposal. The youth worker included samples of advocacy campaign content, activities, and products.

The campaign presentation included at least the following:
  • Advocacy campaign title
  • Team members
  • Advocacy campaign vision
  • Advocacy campaign essential information, such as beneficiaries, topics, stakeholders, tactics
  • Advocacy campaign products (samples)

This activity supports youth workers' competence development in the "Networking and Advocating" area. Activity content and badge issuing criteria aligned with the European Training Strategy (ETS) competence model for youth workers to work internationally.
Užduotis nr.1
Įrodymus patikrino: vienas renginio organizatorius
Team up with others who want to advocate for issues that matter to them.
  1. Follow the advocacy campaign presentation template to prepare and present your youth work advocacy campaign proposal. Upload your advocacy campaign presentation.
  2. What questions and feedback have you received during the presentation?


#Willingness to collaborate with other actors and stakeholders
#Appreciation of the added value of new partnership and collaboration opportunities
#Being able to identify relevant partners in different environments (especially in an international setting)
#Readiness to allow being confronted with other views and work approaches
#Ability to create and disseminate digital contents as videos, podcasts, memes, digital presentation formats etc.
#Ability to create and disseminate digital contents as videos, podcasts, memes, digital presentation formats etc.
#Ability to include other community members during or after the project for wider impact
#Ability to transfer/communicate and share the learning potential of international mobility experiences
Pilietinis įsitraukimas
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Laikas pabaigti: 1 valanda 30 minučių


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