CLYouth Virtual Exchanges: Journey through NFL

CLYouth Virtual Exchanges: Journey through NFL



This playlist includes the first 3 Virtual Exchanges implemented in the framework of the project Cities of Learning: Youth Co-Design learning, civic and career pathways and organised by the Cities and Regions of Learning Network together with Associazione Interculturale Nur.

This series of three VEs was co-organised by a duo of young facilitators from the Netherlands and Italy, Jeffrey and Carlo, who led the young participants in a journey through Non-Formal Learning, focussing on:
  1. What is NFL? What differences and similarities can we find between our different approaches and perspectives?
  2. How will NFL change in the future? How can and will NFL change our future?
  3. What can we actively do to shape the future of NFL, and have an impact on our own future and the future of our community?

To get this badge, participants must have taken part in all three of the mentioned Virtual Exchanges.

These Virtual Exchanges were aimed at participants aged 16-30 coming from the Cities and Regions of Learning of Sachsen-Anhalt (Germany), Cagliari (Italy), Vilnius (Lithuania), Tilburg (Netherlands), Tønsberg and Vestfold-og-Telemark (Norway), Novi Sad (Serbia), Ljubljana (Slovenia), Lorca (Spain).

This project is co-funded by the Erasmus+ Programme of the European Union.

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#žodžiu bendrauti anglų kalba
#palaikyti ryšius naudojantis skaitmeninėmis technologijomis
#dirbti grupėje
#puoselėti tarpkultūrinį sąmoningumą
#skatinti darbą su jaunimu vietos bendruomenėje
#universalieji gebėjimai, kompetencija
#strateginis planavimas
Renginiai: 3
Pradėta: 10
Pabaigė grojaraštį: 10
Laikas pabaigti: 6 valandos


Network of Cities and Regions of Learning
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