So, today during the 5th day of the international training course Mental Health Promotion in the Youth Field we moved our focus from building rapport and well-formed outcomes to experiencing some of the tools and techniques that we can use in our promotion of mental health with young people. As usual, here’s a brief overview of what we did, and the usual questions will follow!
The Target Model: This is a simple checklist of what needs to be right so we can do effective and ethical health promotion using these tools.

Resource Anchoring: We learnt about the anchoring technique that helps us to access previously resourceful states at will. Then we got to try it out with a partner.

Language Patterns: We looked at the precise meanings of words and how we can use these meanings to get maximum effectiveness in our spoken communications. This was made even more interesting l by looking at how these influential word patterns vary from language to language and culture to culture.

Chunking: What is a “chunk” of information? Why are these “chunks”different for different people? How can we use this to support mental health in young people? All these questions and more were explored today.

The New Behaviour Generator: This technique is built on the idea from sports coaching of “Mental Rehearsal”. If top sports people and athletes can use the power of their imagination to get them closer to their desired outcome, we can do exactly the same thing to help us to get what we want in our own lives.