Today, during the sixth day of the international training course Mental Health Promotion in the Youth Field, we continued our work to develop our personal “tool-box” of techniques and resources for our mental health promotion with young people. The focus for our work was about time and how we can use this in our youth work.
Perceptual Positions: Ever wondered why more people aren’t like you? Ever wondered why someone else could misunderstand something that you said or did so completely? This is a great technique for putting yourself in their shoes to gain a bit of insight to answer these questions.

Timelines: We explored how different people link the events of their lives together in different ways. By understanding how they do this using a timeline, it helps us and them to make even greater sense of their lives and the events that make up their lives.

Time and negative emotions: You might find it difficult to feel guilty about something that hasn’t happened. You might find it difficult to feel anxious about something from your past. Some negative emotions are time-related, and knowing this fact we can use this simple technique to manipulate aspects of our lives that require changing.

Creating a Compelling Future: In our final technique in this part of the course, we explored how we can use our timelines to support us to getting future goals, and the changes we want to see in our lives.