Hey, Folks, we hope you’ve had a fantastic third day at the International training course Mental Health promotion in the youth field, and as always, we’d like you to spend this part of the day reflecting on the work we have been doing. As usual, here’s with a quick review to jog your memory:
Eye Accessing Cues: We spent time this morning looking at how we can use people’s eye movements to help us to understand what’s going on in their heads. You will remember the exercise we did to see how our partner responded to certain questions…

Pacing and Leading: Pacing is where we match the other person’s communications before leading them to more resourceful states.

Sensory Acuity: This is the skill that we develop when we start to put together all the building-blocks of Rapport. We used this to do the exercise this afternoon when we tried to read each other’s “Poker Faces”!