Badge earner joined conversations about deliverables created within the Cities of Learning Network. Several partners shared their community developments. People joining this activity had opportunities to learn more and how to use:
Database with European stakeholders and events
Action research methods inventory
Review of youth and education policies
CoL platform promotion resources
Tehtävä nro.1
Issued by organiser or scanning QR code
Participate in activity. Optional: share what you have learned, discovered and shared about Islands of Learning and possible cooperation.
Badgecraft isännöi tätä alustaa ja kehittää sitä yhdessä johtavien koulutusorganisaatioiden kanssa. Euroopan unionin Erasmus+ -ohjelmasta myönnettiin osarahoitusta tämän foorumin ensimmäisen version rakentamiseen. Ota yhteyttä